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Portada Civil resistance processes in the international security map: Characteristics, debates and critique

Civil resistance processes in the international security map: Characteristics, debates and critique

Hegoa, Bilbao, 2017
(Cuadernos de Hegoa; 72)
  • 88
  • 4


Even if nonviolence and civil resistance have not been central within International Security Studies and have not been given as much attention by scholars as armed conflicts have, nonviolent civil resistance processes are gaining importance and visibility, and research in this field of study has also increased. This working paper analyses the theoretical and political development of nonviolent civil resistance processes through the different conceptualisations and characteristics of nonviolence and civil resistance, as well as its potential as a conflict transformation tool.

Aunque la noviolencia y la resistencia civil no han sido centrales en los Estudios de Seguridad Internacional, y no hayan sido tan investigados como los conflictos armados, los procesos de resistencia civil noviolenta están adquiriendo importancia y visibilidad, y la investigación en este campo de estudio está también en auge. Este Cuaderno de Trabajo analiza el desarrollo teórico y político de los procesos de resistencia civil noviolenta a través de las diversas conceptualizaciones y características de la noviolencia y la resistencia
civil, así como su potencial como instrumento para la transformación de conflictos.


1. Introduction

2. Situating Resistance Studies in the International Security Studies map

3. Nonviolent civil resistance: development, definition(s) and analysis of the concept(s)
3.1. Historical and theoretical development
3.1.1. Gandhi: satyagraha, ahimsa and the concept of principled nonviolence
3.1.2. Sharp: the concept of pragmatic nonviolence and nonviolent action
3.2. Different concepts and conceptualisations
3.3. Civil resistance processes and social movements

4. The pragmatic approach of civil resistance and nonviolent action
4.1. Causes and objectives of nonviolent civil resistance
4.2. Organization of nonviolent civil resistance
4.3. Methodology of nonviolent civil resistance
4.4. Phases of nonviolent civil resistance processes
4.4.1. Backfire of violence
4.5. Everyday forms of resistance
4.5.1. The continuum of resistance
4.6. Outcomes of civil resistance
4.7. International cooperation and nonviolent civil resistance movements
4.7.1. Sources and identity of actors of cooperation
4.7.2. Dynamics of cooperation
4.7.3. Limits of international cooperation
4.8. Critics towards the strategic model of nonviolent action

5. The conflict transformation approach of nonviolent civil resistance
5.1. Nonviolent civil resistance as a conflict transformation tool
5.2. Nonviolent civil resistance as a conflict prevention tool
5.3. Nonviolent civil resistance as a conflict intervention tool
5.4. Nonviolent civil resistance as a peacebuilding tool
5.4.1. Confluences between everyday resistance and everyday peace

6. Re-connecting Resistance Studies with International Security Studies

7. Final comments

