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Portada Etika eta garapena

Etika eta garapena

Hegoa, Bilbao, 2025
hegoak zabalduz (9)
ISSN 2530-6561
  • 38
  • 5


The text addresses the global crisis from an ethical perspective, questioning the structural inequalities of capitalism, colonialism, and patriarchy. It explores how globalization materially connects all inhabitants of the planet, intensifying the contradictions between the excessive consumption of the Global North and the misery of the Global South.

It argues that the current development model, based on unlimited growth, is unsustainable both ecologically and morally. Furthermore, it critiques the ethical indifference of the Global North, where responsibilities toward the disadvantaged are blurred in an interconnected world. The author proposes that ethics should disconnect individuals from capitalism’s “auto-pilot” mode and promote life choices aligned with principles of sustainability, solidarity, and intergenerational justice.

The text offers practical alternatives, such as reviewing privileges, promoting solidarity-based economies, and shifting toward public goods. Finally, it highlights the need for political and collective commitment to build an ethical, anti-capitalist, and sustainable future. This work is a call to embrace global responsibility and to transform individual and systemic values in the context of ecological crisis and extreme inequality.


1. Ez dago gizakirik guri arrotz zaigunik

1.1. Nahikoa dakigu
1.2. Materialki konektatuta gaud
1.3. Garapena proiektu moral gisa
1.4. Iraunkortasunik eza
1.5. Desfase morala

2. Etika eta arreta-pentsamendua

2.1. Globalizazioa eta etika: erantzukizun lausoa
2.2. Aukeratu behar dugu
2.3. Eskaileratik Sakrifizio Piramidera

3. Alternatibak

3.1. Gure pribilegioak aztertzea, gure zorte bortitza zalantzan jartzea
3.2. Desirari desiratzen irakastea
3.3. Gure bizimoduak aztertzea
3.4. Gure bizimoduetan aldaketak egitea
3.5. Kolektiboki jardutea
3.6. Ondasun pribatuen aurrean ondasun publikoen alde egitea
3.7. Aldaketa estrukturalaren ikuspegiarekin kolektiboki eragitea
3.8. Kapitalismoaren aurka (eta kolonialismoaren eta patriarkatuaren aurka) argi eta garbi egotea
3.9. Eta ahaleginean ez gaitezen tristuraz hil

4. Bibliografia
